Airing the dirty laundry on donated clothes

If you support Tearfund, you will likely be familiar with our work to reduce worker exploitation in the fashion industry. Recently, we’ve been focusing on the environmental impacts of fashion. The clothes and shoes we buy, how we care for them and how we dispose of them has never been more important.

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A hope that can reach the skies

Just last week, we had the opportunity to visit our partner Compassion's projects in Indonesia. Chica is a sponsored child that really left an imprint on our hearts. The hope she carried was powerful and contagious. Sponsorship lifted Chica and her family out of poverty, and we can't wait to tell you her story.

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Trafficking Unlocked 2022

Tearfund invites you to a charity evening raising funds for our mission to combat human trafficking in South East Asia and the Pacific. This event will take place in November, in both Auckland and Tauranga.

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Tour of New Zealand 2023

Cycle for Freedom from Slavery. In April 2023, you can cycle for Tearfund and join a community on the move for freedom! Are you with us as we cycle to raise funds and awareness of the Modern Day Slavery scourge?  

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