The moment I realised the power of sponsorship 28 July 2024

The moment I realised the power of sponsorship

A couple of months ago my husband Rhys and I visited a Compassion Child Sponsorship centre for the very first time. This is what we learnt. 

Four kids in South America describe their happy place 25 March 2024

Four kids in South America describe their happy place

From a desert in northern Columbia to a rainforest in Peru, these sponsored children live in diverse and challenging communities. But amid daily hardships, these four children find beauty in where they live.  

To my Baby with Love 27 September 2023

To my Baby with Love

Five mums share their dreams in a letter to their babies. 

How a Compassion graduate helps at-risk girls rebuild their lives. 24 July 2023

How a Compassion graduate helps at-risk girls rebuild their lives.

Meet Doreen - a Compassion Graduate who runs a hostel to protect girls against sexual abuse and exploitation.

Piglets raise expectations for a better future 20 July 2023

Piglets raise expectations for a better future

Patrikx and Daniel had big dreams but no opportunity to make them come true. But now they have a new hope through raising piglets for an income and a better future.