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Most school children worry about their homework, or whether their best friend is going to be in class, but that was not Apollo Kagwa’s experience growing up in Kampala, Uganda.
A gift from Solen’s sponsor allowed the family to buy a cow to increase their income, but the 11-year-old claims the calf as a pet and names it after her sponsor.
One year ago, Tearfund launched its first Mums and Bubs programme through our partner, Compassion. Kiwis responded, and this year we were able to support two amazing groups of mums and their little ones in Kupang and North Maluku, Indonesia.
From bedding to clothes to toys, here’s a peek at the types of gifts the child you sponsor may receive this year…
Animals can help people in poverty and provide companionship and joy to children. Read our blog showing 12 sponsor kids and their favourite animals!