Practical ideas for writing letters to your sponsor child 9 February 2021

Practical ideas for writing letters to your sponsor child

Do you sponsor a child but feel lost and confused about how to write them? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! These feelings do not make you a bad sponsor. Writing to your sponsor child shouldn’t feel like a burden, so we’re here to provide great tips on how to write an encouraging letter to your child.

Protection against violence 5 February 2021

Protection against violence

When Eva’s father got drunk or high, which was often, anything could upset him. And when he was upset, he spoke harshly to Eva and beat her mother.

“In addition to his alcohol addiction, my father seriously abused drugs,” recalls Eva, now 17. “When he was on drugs, he had really bad behavior. Sometimes he said that I was not his daughter.

Kids around the world: where I get my water 2 March 2021

Kids around the world: where I get my water

When you need a glass of water, or need to brush your teeth or wash your dishes, where do you get your water? Do you turn on the tap in the kitchen? Or get water out of the fridge? For many kids around the world, access to safe water is still a huge issue. They walk many miles to gather water that is contaminated. This makes them vulnerable to diseases like cholera, dysentery and typhoid.

Meet the World Changers! 21 February 2021

Meet the World Changers!

For Tony, receiving encouraging letters from his sponsor played a huge part in helping him escape the cycle of poverty. And the same is true for many children in Compassion’s program. But …

Why Your Efforts to Tackle Child Poverty Matter Now More than Ever 2 February 2021

Why Your Efforts to Tackle Child Poverty Matter Now More than Ever

The United Nations recently released the 2020 report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sharing sobering data on the world’s progress towards goals like ending extreme poverty and increasing global food security. The outlook already wasn’t positive prior to the outbreak of COVID-19. Now, the COVID-19 crisis is devastating global progress towards the Goals.
