
Together, let’s make communities a SAFE place to raise families

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Triple your impact for vulnerable people affected by modern slavery  

An estimated 50 million people are trapped in modern slavery globally; that’s ten times the entire population of New Zealand. More than half are from Southeast Asia or the Pacific.  

One of the sustainable ways Kiwis are working to fight this dark trade and support people out of poverty is through Tearfund’s SAFE Programme. 


Safe, Aware, Free, Empowered (SAFE) Programme

The SAFE programme empowers people in these regions to provide for their families, and reduce their vulnerability to human trafficking, forced labour, and sexual abuse.   

Many people in Southeast Asia and the Pacific live in places devastated by typhoons, hurricanes, or drought. Often, they live rurally and lack access to bigger markets, where they could sell their produce. Poverty sits at their doorstep, making them more vulnerable to human trafficking, forced labour, and sexual abuse. It becomes a vicious cycle.  

Your giving will help put an end to this cycle through the SAFE programme, a life-changing initiative that empowers people to provide for their families, grow their businesses, and keep their communities safe from human trafficking, forced labour, and sexual abuse.  

This need is so great that the New Zealand Government has committed to matching gifts when you give!  

 For every dollar sent to our SAFE partners in the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia, the New Zealand Government will give $2— tripling your impact for the people who need it most. 

Luke Junior took part in Tearfund’s agricultural training programme in the Solomon Islands. 

"I learnt how to plant crops like taro, peanuts, ginger, chilli and spring onion to provide for my family and to sell at the market. My family and I now receive a consistent income. Having the opportunity to access new ideas has gradually raised the standard of living in my community. I am now more prepared to approach my future and can help others to do the same."

Luke Junior, SAFE Programme participant 

Vaseva is a regular participant in Tearfund’s sexual exploitation awareness programme in Fiji. 

"Tearfund’s partner teaches us what to do if someone is sexually exploited in our village, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place. Now there are safety nets in place. If forced sex happens in our village, we report it immediately to the village policeman. I think awareness is very important."

Vaseva, SAFE Programme participant 

How does the SAFE programme work?

SAFE is a five-year, multi-million-dollar partnership with New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). The SAFE programme blends Tearfund’s Farming and Enterprise work with Modern Slavery protection initiatives.  As poverty is a major driver of human trafficking and exploitation, SAFE aims to help people improve their incomes through small-scale agriculture, reducing communities’ vulnerability. We know that people are less likely to be exploited when they have sustainable livelihood opportunities through farming and local enterprise. And, as people—especially women and children—are educated about their rights and protected through advocacy efforts, they are less likely to become targets of human trafficking, exploitation, abuse and violence.  

SAFE info booklet


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The SAFE Programme countries

In Fiji, community leaders are confronting issues of forced sex and exploitation; supporting survivors of trafficking and sexual abuse; and working with government agencies, NGOs, and local authorities to create stronger justice systems.  

In Vanuatu, growing coffee is directly benefitting hundreds of farm-based households. Diversifying their crops makes the communities  more resilient to climate-related disasters. Increased financial stability  has reduced their vulnerability to exploitation.  

In Sri Lanka, training has helped hundreds of small-holder dairy farmers increase milk production and form a strong collective, improving their livelihoods and raising their standard of living. Building on this success, they are focused on helping people build their own businesses and advocating for better protections against Modern Slavery.  

In the Solomon Islands, vulnerable youth are engaging in farming and enterprise initiatives to increase their income and build a safe and sustainable future, without leaving their villages. Survivors are being supported to deal with their trauma and rebuild their lives. 

In Myanmar, the programme is helping those most vulnerable to modern slavery to develop sustainable livelihoods, creating safe places to recover and providing trauma-informed care. 

Find out more about Tearfund’s proven expertise in this space:

Farming and Enterprise 

Modern Slavery