Help families survive the hunger crisis in Ethiopia

Donate today and double your impact.

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1 in 6 people in Ethiopia don’t have enough food.

East Africa’s hunger crisis continues to escalate from the combined impact of a three-year drought, massive livestock loss, conflict, corruption and hyper-inflation. Less international assistance has been offered, with global attention being focused on Ukraine and the Middle East.

Time is of the essence if we are to save lives.  
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade have agreed to match every dollar we can send to help families in Ethiopia $1 for $1 (up to a cap of $750,000).

Will you help feed families and rebuild lives?

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At Tearfund we value good stewardship. Our 27% overhead ratio means most of your dollar
will be sent directly to our partner. For a detailed breakdown, click here.


How is Tearfund responding?

Recent reports tell us the situation across Ethiopia continues to deteriorate. 20 million people don’t have enough to eat on a daily basis. Our partner is extending their response to provide further emergency assistance. Together we can help people to survive and rebuild their lives. 

What makes Tearfund different is our partnership with local communities. We believe communities know the issues they face better than anyone. That’s why we’ve partnered with a remarkable local Ethiopian organisation that has been active in the country for 30 years.

Together we’re able to deliver food directly to people identified as most in need. We’re also coming alongside local farmers, assisting them to develop the best agricultural practices to increase food access and climate resilience.This dual strategy sees people’s urgent food needs met directly, and resilience built for the longer term.


Partnership with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Donate today and have double the impact in Ethiopia. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) are troubled by the scale and realities of this hunger crisis. Having been impressed by the work of our partner, MFAT have agreed to match every dollar we can send to help families in Ethiopia $1 for $1 (up to a cap of $750,000). 

Your donation today can have an even greater impact.

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Latest Video Update

10 September 2024

2 May 2024

1 May 2024

3 May 2024



How you can help

Every $1 we can send to our partner will be matched. By donating today, your impact on the ground will be doubled.  

Join us to distribute more life-saving food and assist families to rebuild their livelihoods. 

$75 can feed one person for three months. 

$150 can feed a family of six for one month. 

$200 can feed a family of four for two months.  

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Will you help feed families and rebuild lives?

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What we've achieved in the past

Our partner’s response to date has been extremely effective.   

In 2023, TDA provided life-saving food assistance to 11,000 of the most vulnerable people in southern Ethiopia. Some of these families told Tearfund staff recently that this support literally saved their lives.  

TDA’s integrity and effectiveness were highlighted when a government officer overseeing the humanitarian response told our team that TDA delivered that food aid on time, in the right quantity, and to the correct people. It’s notoriously difficult to provide relief in such a remote and fragile location, and this is evidence of our partner’s expertise. 

To offer some longer-term food security and equip people to rebuild their livelihoods, some families were supported by TDA to re-plant their crops - so that they could begin to feed and provide for themselves again.


Read our latest blogs 


Uncovering Ethiopia’s Silent Struggle

Ethiopia’s beauty collides with a horrific reality that millions face. Three years of failed rains have pushed the country to the edge of famine.


A Forgotten Hunger

Despite severe famine threatening 20 million people in southern Ethiopia, the crisis has received minimal international attention and aid, highlighting a dire need for urgent global action and awareness.


Avoiding Famine in East Africa

East Africa is on the brink of famine due to severe drought, but with immediate aid and sustainable farming support, the crisis can be averted.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Approximately 12,675 people will benefit from our partner’s response to the hunger crisis. 7,875 drought-affected will receive emergency food aid and 4800 individuals will benefit from the resiliency building part of the work. Our partner will work with local community leaders and stakeholders to identify those most in need of this support. 

Our partner will provide immediate food assistance to the most vulnerable for 4 months. Middle and upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening will be carried out to identify malnourished individuals among the most vulnerable groups (children under 5, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers). These people will be given an emergency food supplement (FAMIX).  

In addition to providing food aid, your donation will also equip our partner TDA to provide drought-resistant seeds (like pigeon pea) and goats to families so they can rebuild their livelihoods.Training will also be provided to assist people in maximising their crop yields in this changing climate. 4800 individuals will benefit from this long-term resiliency building part of the project. 

Our partner, Terepeza Development Association (TDA) was established in 1987 and is the community development arm of Wolaita Kale Heywot Church in Ethiopia. TDA has over 30-years' experience designing and implementing food security and resiliency building projects across Ethiopia. As a Christian organisation they live out Matthew 25:35 where Jesus says: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”  

TDA is led by Bereket Tassew, who has a strong faith and significant experience in working in complex humanitarian contexts, including Borena.  

At Tearfund, we work to be good stewards of the financial support given to us. 73% of your donation will go directly to the field supporting our response to the hunger crisis in Ethiopia, ensuring every dollar makes an impact. The remaining percentage is used for administration costs that support all our work from here in New Zealand. 

Heavenly Father,

We humbly seek your guidance as communities worldwide face challenges.

We pray for generous support from wealthier nations to bridge funding gaps, delivering lifesaving interventions and aiding recovery efforts.

Grant rain for agriculture, sustaining livelihoods and food security, and strengthen partners providing emergency food assistance.

Protect those distributing aid and empower communities to withstand future challenges.

May your love inspire compassion and solidarity as we strive for positive change.
