How do we have hope when the world feels so dark? 14 July 2024

How do we have hope when the world feels so dark?

Hope is in high demand as we navigate challenging times around the world. But what is our hope as Christians and how can we hold onto it? 

New Zealand's Anti-Human Trafficking Measures Fall Short, Says Report 30 June 2024

New Zealand's Anti-Human Trafficking Measures Fall Short, Says Report

International governments’ anti-trafficking efforts are scrutinised and ranked annually. Once again, New Zealand lags.

The Price and Profit of Modern Slavery 23 June 2024

The Price and Profit of Modern Slavery

Forced labour is a powerful and profitable industry that leaves a trail of destruction for survivors. But there’s hope! Meet one person who’s tackled this issue and find out ways you can be part of the global fight against exploitation!  

Uncovering Ethiopia’s Silent Struggle 19 June 2024

Uncovering Ethiopia’s Silent Struggle

Ethiopia’s beauty collides with a horrific reality that millions face. Three years of failed rains have pushed the country to the edge of famine. 

A Modern Slavery Act for New Zealand, could help you shop guilt-free 24 March 2021

A Modern Slavery Act for New Zealand, could help you shop guilt-free
