The legislation we need to address New Zealand’s migrant exploitation crisis 12 September 2023

The legislation we need to address New Zealand’s migrant exploitation crisis

The stories of migrant workers being exploited here in New Zealand that have appeared in the media over the last few weeks reminds us that trafficking and slavery is not just an international issue. In this article, we explain how strong modern slavery legislation would help address this injustice.

NZ announces a modern slavery disclosure law, but where's due diligence? 2 August 2023

NZ announces a modern slavery disclosure law, but where's due diligence?

The New Zealand Government have announced that they’ll begin drafting a modern slavery law. This is a really encouraging step forward, but unfortunately the law doesn’t go far enough to stop exploitation.

New Zealand’s Trafficking Struggle: Falling Short of International Standards Once More 15 June 2023

New Zealand’s Trafficking Struggle: Falling Short of International Standards Once More

The Trafficking in Person report was released this morning, and once again, it shows the New Zealand Government has not done enough to combat human trafficking.

Why does New Zealand need a Modern Slavery Act? 20 April 2022

Why does New Zealand need a Modern Slavery Act?

Sixteen million people worldwide are forced into labour to make the everyday products we buy.  They live as slaves.

The government has announced widespread support from Kiwis for proposed modern slavery law 18 September 2022

The government has announced widespread support from Kiwis for proposed modern slavery law

In April, we invited you to make history by making a submission in support of New Zealand's first law to address modern slavery and worker exploitation in supply chains. Today, the government released a Summary of Feedback. Here's what you need to know.