You can help prevent one more girl from being exploited

The world is a dangerous place for girls growing up in poverty. They can be vulnerable to being forced into underage marriage, commercial sex work and other forms of exploitation. More than 12 million children are trapped in modern slavery right now.

If we only look at these facts, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.

But here's the thing: you can help us meet a girl's basic needs, keep her in school and give her a secure and loving community to grow up in.

You can play a part in giving a girl the chance of a safe future

Child sponsorship is an effective way to reduce poverty and the vulnerability of children. By becoming a sponsor today, the girl you sponsor will grow up known, loved and protected—reducing her chances of being exploited.

Sponsor a girl today

Each of the girls below live in a country with a high vulnerability to slavery. They have been identified by our partner as vulnerable to exploitation and in need of someone to sponsor them.

How it works


Choose a child

Choose a girl and click sponsor. Your support will help reduce the factors that would make your sponsored child vulnerable to exploitation.


Build a relationship

Get to know your sponsored child through letter-writing. It’s quick and easy to write online, and your letters will have a powerful effect.


Protect a girl

By becoming a sponsor today, you are joining our church partner to give your sponsored child the best chance of a safe and successful future.

Your Sponsorship in Action

From $56 a month, you can help provide your sponsored child with:

Educational support and vocational training

A safe place to learn, play with friends, and grow

Character and confidence-building opportunities

Nutritional support to treat and prevent malnutrition


A loving church community and healthy relationships

Regular medical checkups and immunisations



Noel, the leader of Tearfund’s partner in the Philippines, has seen how children in poverty are especially vulnerable to slavery and other forms of exploitation. Commenting on the specific rise of online sexual exploitation in his country, he said:

“I’m aware that the same group that we are ministering to-children in poverty-is the same group that is being targeted by the perpetrators of online sexual exploitation.”

Noel, leader of Tearfund’s partner in the Philippines

Together with the sponsors of the children in their programme, Noel’s team are keeping kids safe by addressing their poverty, working with government authorities and raising awareness in communities.




The issue of modern-day slavery and exploitation can sometimes feel overwhelming. But together, we can tackle this challenge by protecting one child at a time.

Have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch with our friendly team on 0800 800 777 (Monday to Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm) or by email at: