Why we need modern slavery legislation in New Zealand 

Everyone should be able to work safely and be paid and treated fairly. 

Kiwis should be able to buy the products they need and feel assured businesses have acted to reduce slavery risks in their supply chains.  

That’s why we’re campaigning for modern slavery legislation. 


What is modern slavery legislation?  

Exploitation and slavery persist in many industries globally, but with proper support, NZ businesses can help combat this injustice. 

There are two forms of modern slavery legislation.  

Modern slavery disclosure law: This would require certain businesses to be transparent about where there’s risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. They could also share about what voluntary actions they’re taking to counter or address these risks.  

Modern slavery due diligence law: This law would require certain businesses to not only be transparent about their modern slavery risks but take compulsory steps to address these risks.  

We need both in New Zealand. 


Where are we at?  

In July 2023, the government announced they’d begin drafting a modern slavery disclosure law, with a commitment to considering due diligence in the future.

This was a great step, and the result of years' worth of advocacy from thousands of Kiwis.

In October 2023, New Zealand had a change of government. The new government has said this legislation is not a current priority.

So, we continue to campaign both publicly and behind the scenes, collaborating with numerous other organisations, to ensure New Zealand plays its part in combatting exploitation.   


What’s happened to date?  

March 2021: 85 businesses signed an open letter asking the Government to investigate the need for modern slavery legislation. 

June 2021: Over 37,000 people signed a petition for modern slavery legislation. 

June 2022: The Government sought public feedback on a draft modern slavery law, receiving strong support in favour. 

July 2023: Over 6,500 people signed a second petition urging the Government to stop delaying the legislation.  

July 2023: The Government announced plans to draft a modern slavery disclosure law.  

October 2023: New Zealand had a change of Government. 

January 2024: We sent a brief to the Minister for Workplace Relations urging her to introduce legislation without delay.  

February 2024: Investors representing $295 billion wrote an open letter calling for a modern slavery due diligence law. 

March 2024: We sent the Minister for Workplace Relations Choc-Alerts to sweet talk her into taking action.  

April 2024: Countries urged New Zealand to address modern slavery in supply chains during the UN Review of NZ’s human rights efforts.  

April 2024: The government announced the legislation was not a priority. 

May 2024: The New Zealand - European Union Free Trade Agreement, which promotes labor rights, came into force.