Gifts in Wills 


Download the Gifts in Wills Guide

Create a legacy of lasting impact

Poverty isn't part of God's plan but you can make a difference. By including a gift in your Will to Tearfund, you can spread God's love in practical ways, bringing hope and light to the darkest places. Discover how you can create a life-giving legacy that will transform lives for generations to come.

Download Gifts in Wills Guide


If you would like to contact us about including a gift in your Will, please use details below -  
Mobile number: 021 587 665

A message from Ian McInnes, CEO

I know the work of Tearfund means a great deal to you, and I want to thank you personally for considering a gift in your Will to Tearfund. 

Including a gift in your Will that endures beyond a lifetime is a generous act that transforms lives, offering hope to those on the margins.

Your future gift can bring life where it's needed most, empowering communities to overcome poverty and fulfill their God-given potential.

God’s love transforms lives. When we partner with what God is doing in the world, amazing things can happen.

A gift in your Will could bring hope and light in the darkest places, helping to provide long-term solutions to poverty and injustice, offering new life to those who need it most. 

If you would like to get started, you can create an online Will through Footprint for a discounted offer of $75 for a Single Will.

*We suggest you contact your own solicitor for legal advice. Tearfund is unable to recommend using one legal service over another.We encourage you to discuss your Will with your family.You are not obliged to include Tearfund in your Will. 

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We work with you to ensure including a gift in your Will to Tearfund is:


Tearfund provides tools and a how-to-guide, so it's straightforward


Tearfund will support you through the process, whether writing or updating your Will


Your passion, values and beliefs will live on

Leaving a legacy

See Ross and Shayney's story about why they decided to leave a gift to Tearfund in their Wills after seeing the work first hand.

Why include a gift in your Will?

Our vision is to see individuals and communities around the world transformed by hope, opportunity and dignity. Motivated by Jesus, Tearfund encourages Kiwis to act for justice to relieve poverty among the world’s most vulnerable people.

Our key strengths:

  • Partnership for impact: we partner with and equip the local church to become an agent of change in the community
  • Changing attitudes and behaviour: we have strong ties with faith leaders and local government around the world, helping to influence their communities
  • Building movement: we harness the potential of church and community networks to speak out against injustice and bring about systemic change

Since 1975

Protecting the vulnerable and tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice

48 Countries

Through our partners, we work all over the world

Tearfund is committed to the Council for International Development’s code of Conduct and a member of the Integral Alliance

4 Causes

Child development modern slavery, farming and enterprise, disasters and conflict

Our promise to you

We understand that those you care about come first, and we encourage you to discuss your intentions with loved ones before finalising your Will. We also encourage you to seek independent legal advice.

You can be assured that we’ll use your gift carefully and cost-effectively so that it has the greatest impact on future generations. We’ll handle your gift and wishes carefully and with sensitivity and respect.

We understand you may wish to direct your gift to a particular purpose. However, most people allow us the flexibility to use their gift where it is most needed. This helps us to serve people challenged by poverty more effectively as our work evolves.

“It’s a privilege for me to be part of the work of Tearfund. This work couldn’t be achieved without the support of many generous people throughout New Zealand. My partnership with Tearfund over the years has reinforced just how blessed my family is to live in New Zealand. It’s also shown me that we can make a tangible difference to others around the world in less fortunate circumstances. My family believes in spending our lives, talents, and money on what endures. Because of this, I’ve included Tearfund in my Will. My gift can provide life-transforming benefits in the lives of those most in need AND support the fight against injustice and poverty well into the future.”

Gary Agnew, Former Chairman of the Tearfund Board

Contact us today for more information or to discuss your wishes in confidence.

Email us for more information

The Impact of your Gift

With your generous support, we can improve the quality of life for the world’s most vulnerable people together.  

A gift in your Will to Tearfund can contribute to a range of work that helps people living in poverty and facing marginalisation around the world. This work includes projects focused on child and community development, protecting the vulnerable from exploitation, establishing sustainable livelihoods through farming and enterprise, and restoring communities devastated by natural disasters and conflict.

No matter how big or small, every gift is important as it can have a lasting impact on a vulnerable child, their family, and the community. Your generosity can leave a lasting legacy that brings about transformation for generations to come.

Child Development

Providing opportunities to be known, loved, connected and released from poverty through the provision of life’s essentials.

Modern Slavery

Working to prevent human trafficking and exploitation, prosecuting those responsible for this injustice and providing protection and healing for survivors.

Farming and Enterprise

Empowering communities to thrive through tackling the grassroots issues of poverties and finding local long-term solutions to improve people’s quality of life.

Disaster and Conflict

Meeting immediate needs through disaster recovery and helping those affected by long-term conflict, walking with them to see restoration and increased resilience.


“I want my legacy to help bring lasting transformation that creates real change
for the next generation of children, so I included a gift to Tearfund in my Will.

I trust that my future gift will become a lasting tribute to the work Tearfund is already doing
and will be used to reach children, especially vulnerable girls, where the need is greatest.”

B. Brown, Tearfund Supporter

Make a lasting impact

“I trust their knowledge of complex poverty issues and know that the solutions are delivered through partners working in the name of Jesus. And so it seemed obvious to include Tearfund as one of the charities in our Will when we were thinking about what we wanted to accomplish after a lifetime of God’s blessing to us. Whether it turns out to be a lot or a little, I know it will mean a huge amount to those who receive it.”

Rachel Vince, Tearfund Supporter, with granddaughter Gia.

Contact us today for more information or to discuss your wishes in confidence.

Email us for more information

If you can't find an answer to your question below, please contact us. You can email or call 021 587 665. We can give you more information and discuss your wishes in confidence. We’re here to help you so that together, we can courageously tackle injustice and poverty, seeking the fullness of life for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your gift will go to meet the most urgent needs across our four causes: Modern Slavery, Farming & Enterprise, Disaster & Conflict and Child Development. Giving openly to the greatest needs means your gift will have maximum impact in the lives of those who need it most and fill in critical gaps across our projects.

The biggest impact you can make is by giving openly towards the 'Where Most Needed' fund. This allows Tearfund to fill the most critical gaps across our projects so that our lifegiving work continues for all those who need it. However, feel free to contact us to discuss any specific wishes you may have.

However if you decide to include a gift in your Will to the child/ren you sponsor, you can word your gift in this way to ensure that you help the child while they are in the project and then provide for an alternative if situations change.

We suggest the following wording if you choose to include a child sponsor in your Will:

"I give to The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund (Tearfund New Zealand), P O Box 8315, Symonds St, Auckland 1150, Registration CC21725 the residue of my estate (or ……………% of my estate or the sum of $...............or a description of the property or asset given) to be applied in the first instance to the maintenance of my sponsorship of {insert name/s of child and identification number/s} until {he/she/they} graduate or leave the Compassion Child Sponsorship Programme and to apply any balance not used for his/her/their sponsorship to Tearfund’s general purposes. I declare that the official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of Tearfund shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Trustees."

Your Will reflects who you are, what you care most about and how you want to be remembered well into the future. A Will gives you the power to choose how your assets can benefit your loved ones AND impact vulnerable people around the world. It gives you peace of mind for the future. As personal circumstances change, it is important to review your Will regularly to make sure it still accurately reflects your wishes, especially if your family or financial situation has changed. Whether you're updating your Will or creating one for the first time, our how-to guide has the information you need.

If you would like to get started, you can create an online Will through Footprint for a discounted offer from $75 for a Simple Will. Footprint is a New Zealand online Will provider. If you would like to find out if the service is right for you, visit Footprint and use the discount code "TEARFUND". As an alternative, we suggest you contact your own solicitor for legal advice. Tearfund is unable to recommend using one legal service over another and you are under no obligation to make a gift to in your Will to Tearfund if you visit this 3rd party website.

There are three main ways of including a gift in your Will. Your legal advisor can ensure your Will is valid and clearly sets out how your estate is to be distributed according to your wishes and circumstances:

  1. Residual – the remainder of your estate after taking care of your loved ones
  2. Percentage – a percentage of the value of your estate
  3. Pecuniary or specific – a specific sum of money, property or items

We suggest the following wording:

"I give to The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund (Tearfund New Zealand), P O Box 8315, Symonds St, Auckland 1150, Registration CC21725 the residue of my estate (or ……………% of my estate or the sum of $...............or a description of the property or asset given) for its general purposes and declare that the official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of Tearfund shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Trustees."

We suggest the following wording If you choose to include a child you sponsor in your Will:

"I give to The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund (Tearfund New Zealand), P O Box 8315, Symonds St, Auckland 1150, Registration CC21725 the residue of my estate (or ……………% of my estate or the sum of $...............or a description of the property or asset given) to be applied in the first instance to the maintenance of my sponsorship of {insert name/s of child and identification number/s} until {he/she/they} graduate or leave the Compassion Child Sponsorship Programme and to apply any balance not used for his/her/their sponsorship to Tearfund’s general purposes. I declare that the official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of Tearfund shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Trustees."

While an unexpected gift is wonderful, we'd love to hear from you so we can personally thank you, keep you up to date on how your gift will make a difference, and share our future plans. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, your request will be honoured.

Here's a helpful checklist for writing or updating your Will:

  • Have you found a legal advisor to assist with your Will?
  • Who would you like to include in your Will?
  • How do you want to divide your estate?
  • What assets do you have to gift to others?
  • Have you updated your Will to reflect any major changes in your life?

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact us, tell us about your wishes and ask questions
  2. Talk to your loved ones and let them know about your intentions and why including a gift to Tearfund NZ is important to you
  3. Speak to your professional advisor
  4. Decide on the type of gift to include
  5. Use the recommended wording from your professional advisor
  6. Let us know your decision—we want to thank and honour you

You can contact us at or call 021 587 665.

There are several ways you can include a legacy gift in your Will to Tearfund. We encourage you to talk to your legal advisor to determine which option best represents your wishes.

Gift of residue: Donate the remainder of your estate after financial commitments have been honoured and loved ones are cared for.

Percentage: A gift expressed as a percentage or fraction of the value of your estate.

Pecuniary gift or Specific gifts in a Will: A specific amount designated in your Will or gifted items, such as the proceeds of a life insurance policy, shares, property, art works, etc.

Whole Estate: A gift comprised of your entire estate.

The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund (Tearfund)
PO Box 8315
Auckland 1149
Charity Registration Number: CC21725