Children and families who are assisted through our partner’s child sponsorship programme rarely receive cash. Benefits are almost always in the form of goods and services, carefully considered, delivered or purchased according to their needs and best practice.
The majority of donations to Compassion International (around 80%) are used for:
- Developing, delivering and supervising child development programmes
- Purchasing goods and services for the direct benefit of the children in our programmes
- Informing and updating sponsors and facilitating their personal relationship with their sponsored child
The rest (around 20%) is used for administration and fundraising costs. Here at Tearfund we also have administration costs that are included in your sponsorship donation. This sits around the 30% mark.
We do not use child sponsorship funds for community development activities; these are funded through other initiatives.
Gifts: One hundred percent of family, child development centre, graduation, and special child gifts (including birthday gifts) are sent through Compassion International to the child development centre, where staff members assist the children and/or families to purchase goods that are appropriate and meet their specific needs.
Christmas: Because of the scale of the gift distribution process at Christmas, 90% of funds donated for Christmas gifts are pooled to purchase a gift for each Compassion International assisted child. The other 10% of this money is used for administration and fundraising costs.