Three things the Bible says about justice 22 July 2022

Three things the Bible says about justice

There is no shortage of books, blogs, articles and memes about justice. In all of the cacophony, it's essential for Christians to return to what the Bible says about justice. 

EmpowHer 2023 12 December 2022

EmpowHer 2023

An event for women to empower women 

Black Friday? Let’s think before we buy-day! 20 November 2022

Black Friday? Let’s think before we buy-day!

With Black Friday around the corner, we’re looking at over-consumption and how to put the break on the take and take.

Looking for a meaningful gift this Christmas? We can help! 20 November 2022

Looking for a meaningful gift this Christmas? We can help!

Tearfund's annual feel-good gift guide, Gift for Life, is chock-full of impactful gift ideas, sure to touch every heart this Christmas. Here's our five most popular gifts under $100!

Did you miss the Empowher event? Here's a recap! 5 July 2021

Did you miss the Empowher event? Here's a recap!

There’s something special about 150 women from all walks of life gathering in the same room.