The Price and Profit of Modern Slavery 23 June 2024

The Price and Profit of Modern Slavery

Forced labour is a powerful and profitable industry that leaves a trail of destruction for survivors. But there’s hope! Meet one person who’s tackled this issue and find out ways you can be part of the global fight against exploitation!  

Uncovering Ethiopia’s Silent Struggle 19 June 2024

Uncovering Ethiopia’s Silent Struggle

Ethiopia’s beauty collides with a horrific reality that millions face. Three years of failed rains have pushed the country to the edge of famine. 

A Modern Slavery Act for New Zealand, could help you shop guilt-free 24 March 2021

A Modern Slavery Act for New Zealand, could help you shop guilt-free

My three top tips to becoming an ethical fashion consumer 2 August 2021

My three top tips to becoming an ethical fashion consumer

A practical guide to becoming a conscious consumer is researching brands, maintaining a minimalistic wardrobe, and shopping second-hand to reduce environmental impact and support ethical practices.





Four top tips for shopping consciously this Christmas 16 November 2021

Four top tips for shopping consciously this Christmas

This year, I have decided to take up this challenge. I choose to only buy Christmas gifts that are meaningful and make a difference.
