Where is God in the Ukraine Crisis? 22 March 2022

Where is God in the Ukraine Crisis?

As we watch the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it raises all kinds of questions for many of us. Did you see our Facebook live? If not, here are the top three things we talked about.

Hunger crisis forcing Ethiopian girls into child marriage 29 November 2022

Hunger crisis forcing Ethiopian girls into child marriage

Prolonged drought in Ethiopia is leading to an increase in child marriage as parents struggle to feed their children. 

Waking up to the Hunger Crisis in East Africa 24 November 2022

Waking up to the Hunger Crisis in East Africa

Fifty million people are on the brink of famine. Here's how you can pray for the worst affected.

More Than Just Milk 6 March 2023

More Than Just Milk

Meet the Waikato dairy farmer that didn’t always want to be a dairy farmer but ended up helping change thousands of lives in northern Sri Lanka through dairy farming.

Black Friday? Let’s think before we buy-day! 20 November 2022

Black Friday? Let’s think before we buy-day!

With Black Friday around the corner, we’re looking at over-consumption and how to put the break on the take and take.
