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You will notice some changes at Tearfund. We look and may sound a bit different, but our reason for being hasn’t changed. All organisations go through change but these changes are aimed at improving the work we do. This is behind the reasons Tearfund is changing. While there is a small cost attached to the changes you see, in the long run, it will be money well spent and the funds come from our usual operating expenditure.
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Why is Tearfund Rebranding?
We’ve always worked alongside our global Tearfund family but our new look and feel reflect that unity more. We believe that by working in closer partnership with the 11 other Tearfund offices around the globe, we’ll be able to work more efficiently and use our collective resources so that your donated dollars create more impact.
Surely you have better things to do with your money than rebranding!
Transparency and wise use of financial resources have always been a big priority for Tearfund NZ, and we believe that working more closely with the Tearfund family will help gain efficiencies, reduce duplication of work and help us lower a variety of overhead costs so that every dollar donated makes a huge difference for the people our partners serve. For instance, we haven’t had to hire brand consultants because we are simply copying the logo and colours already developed by one of our Tearfund family.
Can you give me an idea of how you will save by rebranding?
Thanks to work by Tearfund UK, we have been able to maximise fundraising initiatives such as the Big Quiz Night and World of Difference through the Tearfund family working together. These initiatives alone have saved Tearfund NZ hours of paid work time, because, with a shared branding, we can adapt what has already been created within the Tearfund family and use it here in New Zealand.
What about the impact in the field countries?
While Tearfund NZ has had a close collaborative approach to our work with other Tearfunds, adopting the same look, feel and shared vision will make it easier to be part of much bigger projects, work more efficiently with shared partners in the field countries, and have a stronger voice on global advocacy issues. We can also share the cost of monitoring and evaluating projects.
Won’t printing materials with the new brand cost?
We believe in being good stewards of the money donated by Kiwis and this rebrand is no different. We are managing the rebrand in the most cost-efficient way possible. Much of what we do has an ongoing printing cost as we have to restock our printed resources, such as stationery and envelopes. We have been managing the switch for more than a year, making sure we use up stock with our old brand. We are only phasing in the new branding on reprints and new materials.
What do you mean when you talk about the “Tearfund family”?
We have the privilege of working with 11 independent Tearfund organisations around the world. While the various Tearfunds are independent, we share a similar DNA. Together, we are dedicated to working through the local church to see people freed from poverty, living transformed lives, and reaching their God-given potential.
Who is included in the Tearfund family?
The Tearfunds are based in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
What is the relationship between all of the Tearfund offices globally?
While Tearfunds around the world share similar Christian values in helping their supporters alleviate poverty and suffering in the world, each Tearfund is an independent organisation with a separate structure, governance and management. All members of the Tearfund family are dedicated to working through the local church to see an end to extreme poverty.
Is Tearfund in NZ merging with other overseas organisations?
We can assure you that this is not a merger and your donations will be exclusively used for the work of Tearfund NZ. Tearfund NZ is a registered charity in New Zealand. All of the eleven independent Tearfund organisations around the world have separate structures, they all have their own Board and are separately governed and managed. All members of the Tearfund network have signed a Statement of Identity which describes the common set of values and ways of working we hold as we seek to reduce poverty and injustice in the world. We all work in partnership through local church partners both in fundraising and advocacy, and relief and development.
What can Tearfund achieve together that it couldn’t otherwise?
CEOs across the Tearfund family agree that there is potential for greater collaboration when members share a common brand. We believe having a closer shared identity will enable us to: